[Trans] What's In Magazine

Theme of the album: "Republic of 2PM" - Interview and 2PM's account on each album track!
Their latest album, consisting of diversified song tracks to serve as building blocks of the republic, indeed does justice to the album title. Expectations for the
December "2PM Japan Arena Tour", are escalating.
"Showing the world 2PM's whole new appeal," is what the boys wish to achieve with this album. Let's hear what they have to say about their new songs.
After a period of thorough preparation, 2PM's first regular Japan album, "Republic of 2PM", is about to be released. With an album of fine quality to match its title, "Republic of 2PM", the group is fully ready for the nationwide arena tour that kicks off in Osaka on December 5th. We interviewed the 2PM members about the charms of their upcoming album.
Q. After listening to "Republic of 2PM", I believe that this album will make people discover a whole new side of 2PM. It's not just an aggregation of previously released singles, but a quality album, rich in versatility.
Taecyeon: Founding a nation through music is the main concept of this album. Despite generally perceived as beastly idols in Korea, we want to show people a never seen before concept and aspect of 2PM with this album. We hope you feel the 'new 2PM' when you listen to "Republic of 2PM".
Q. Tell us which song from your new album impressed you the most.
Chansung: For me, "Hanareteitemo".
Junsu: Thanks!
Chansung: You're welcome. It's a song written and produced by Junsu. I was very pleased, because he thought about me image-wise when he was producing the song.
Junsu: That's right, I had you in my mind. LOL.
Taecyeon: Really? Because that is completely new to us. LOL.
Junsu: I produced the song, so that it showcases Chansung's vocals.
All: Oh, really?
Junsu: What I'm trying to say is that, I didn't make the song for Chansung, but for our fans!
Chansung: Yeah, I thought so.
All: LOL!
Q. How about you, Junsu? Is it gonna be your own song?
Junsu: Yes, of course. "Hanareteitemo" is an R&B-ish ballad that I wrote some time ago. A melody suddenly came up in my mind, and I saved it on my cellphone - that's how this song was conceived.
Q. Is that a normal practice for you?
Junsu: Yes, I do that whenever I come across a melody. There are quite a number of melodies saved on my cellphone.
Taecyeon: Junsu can come up with a musical motif at any instant!
All: Agreed!
Taecyeon: Alright then, go Junsu!
Junsu: ...........
Taecyeon: Good!
All: Well done! LOL.
Taecyeon: Anyway, I have no doubt that this one will be really good too, because Junsu always makes great songs.
Q. Then, how about you, Taecyeon?
Taecyeon: "Crazy in Love". I put so much effort into perfecting my Japanese pronunciation for the recording of this song.
Q. And you, Wooyoung?
Wooyoung: "Hyakunichikinenbi". I was attracted to its melody when I first heard it through the demo-tape.
Q. Come to think of it, the song is about a couple's 100th day celebration - a Korean culture unfamiliar to majority of Japanese people. It's quite interesting that you decided to include this song in the album.
Nichkhun: I didn't know about it when I first came to Korea, either.
Wooyoung: Frankly speaking, neither did I.
Taecyeon: You too?
Junsu: Most people would have been ignorant of it when they were little. It's a cultural thing you get to discover only after you get to love somebody.
Wooyoung: Hopefully, by introducing new cultures or customs little by little through our songs, people in Japan can understand and sympathize with our love sentiments.
Q. 2PM setting a new kind of anniversary for couples in Japan, "Hyakunichikinenbi" might make that dream a reality. What's your pick, Nichkhun?
Nichkhun: "Hanareteitemo", because I like ballad music. I enjoy listening to ballad songs a lot.
Q: “Hanareteitemo” seems to be popular.
Junsu: I’m glad about that. Honestly.
Q: Then, what about Junho?
Junho: It’s “Stay With Me”.
Everyone: Oh...
Junho: Out of all the songs from our upcoming album, this song fits my emotions the best. The melody is very beautiful, and if you listen to it, your mood gets better, and the view on the world in the song touches upon my heartstrings. I really wish I could convey my feelings to the person I love in that way.
Q: However, along with “Stay With Me” that Junho just talked about right now, aside from hit songs, quite a few original songs were written for this album, right? So, obviously for an original song, there is a music video as well.
Everyone: There’s none.
Q: If so, then I will gather a budget and…
Everyone: Waaaaaaaaaaa! Thank you! *chaos*
Q: Well, if that were possible, what kind of music video would you like to film?
Taecyeon: Good question!
Q: For example, hmm…perhaps, let’s start with this song, shall we? What about a music video for “Stay With Me”?
Taecyeon: Well, that should obviously be answered by Junho, because it’s his favorite song.
Nichkhun: Something about having a drive in a great car?
Junho: No, no. More like, a 30-minute-long drama-like music video. And during the video, a big-scale drama should develop. If it were possible, how about simply making one big drama using not only this track, but all the songs included in the album?
Chansung: If there were enough of time and money. ^^
Everyone: That’s right, that’s right.
Q: So the ending song would be “Hanareteitemo”? What would be the end of this music video, I mean, music drama?
Taecyeon: That’s already a happy ending, right?
Junsu: Because this song carries the meaning of a wish to protect and watch over…
Junho: Of course! Because this song was written by Junsu-hyung! I know that world well. For sure.
Junsu: Thank you *in a gentleman way*. As far as that emotion is concerned, when you go up the mountain…
Everyone: Mountaaaaaaaaain? Haha.
Junsu: When you look back at the top of the mountain, and she’s there…
Junho: That is an immensely realistic image.
Wooyoung: What about this? At a concert hall, in front of the fans.
Junsu: That’s right. When you’re at the top of the mountain and take a look back, the view suddenly changes into the concert hall where the fans are waiting.
Chansung: You’re really obsessed with the mountains, aren’t you…?
Everyone: *chaos*
Q: Then finally, please let us know of your future goals!
Taecyeon: First of all, I would like to be properly recognized for my acting in the currently airing Japanese drama “Boku to Star no 99 Nichi”. I wish I could express the emotion properly through my Japanese lines. As a member of 2PM, I want to have a concert at Tokyo Dome next year!
Wooyoung: I found out how interesting it is to act in a drama through “Dream High”, so I’d like to act in a Japanese drama as well. As for 2PM, obviously, I would like us to reach weekly #1 on Oricon Chart. I’ll work hard to make that happen!
Nichkhun: I will work harder next year in order to receive recognition from more people than this year. And of course, I hope that everyone will stay healthy, because no goal can be achieved with poor health.
Junho: I would also like to try out acting, if it were possible. And since Japan Tour is very precious to me, I hope we can hold yet another one in the future. With that I would be satisfied. As far as 2PM is concerned, I think our goal is to participate at NHK’s year-end “Kouhaku” music festival.
Junsu: I think that the opportunity to work with the renowned Japanese artist, Ms. DOUBLE has been an extremely valuable experience for me. So if there was a chance, I would like to continue working with Japanese artists. And as a member of 2PM, even if it were just one good song loved by the Japanese fans, I would like to release yet another song next year as well.
Chansung: I also got a chance to participate in a Japanese drama, so it would be great if I could enjoy this acting opportunity to the fullest. I will work hard so that we would have a lot of chances to meet our Japanese fans next year as well.
[Self Liner Notes]
I’m Your Man
Taecyeon: This song is our 2nd single. I think it’s a song which allows you to witness the 2PM-like image and appeal, because this song has the hot and manly emotion of wanting to protect the person that one loves, no matter what. It’s a song with strong lyrics, rhythm, and melody, and I personally like the intro part “Baby, I’m your man”, which later on reoccurs throughout the song. Also, the choreography of the song introduces the male symbol – necktie. Through the sharp lines of the necktie, we were able to express the powerful force. Since it was the first dance where we used props, we had some difficulties with it, I think that we were able to express the song’s charms through neckties rather well. Please watch the music video of the song!
Ultra Lover
Junho: This is our 3rd single, and this love song is about an endless “ultimate love” that hits you like a fastball. I think that through this song, the listener is able to feel a different character or a color of each and every one of us, because the members’ parts were all different. It’s a trendy song with particular trance elements and acoustic atmosphere flowing somewhere in the background. With an easy melody, the dance choreography is also easy for everyone to follow.
Stay With Me
Nichkhun: This is the song where you should take notice of the chorus sung by all of us! Even though the melody is very easy, it’s so beautiful that, I think, you can feel happiness whenever you listen to it. It’s a warm song that expresses the honest feelings towards the person you love, like let’s walk on together, I’ll make you happy. Therefore, please take notice of the chorus sung by all six members, wherein you can grasp the feeling of manliness and a tender emotion with a desire to protect your loved one.
Crazy in Love
Chansung: I think you can feel 2PM’s sexiness via this song! This song is exceptionally adult-like among the songs in this album, and it allows you to see another side of 2PM. If you listen to it right after the 2PM’s trademark song, “Without U” Japanese version, the difference will grow even bigger!
100th Day Anniversary
Nichkhun: Having a 100th day anniversary since your dating has begun is a part of Korean culture. It is a sad ballad which uses this 100th day anniversary theme that is very important for a person in love, however, the song is about a love story which could not live up to its 100th day, as the relationship broke apart before that. Both melody and lyrics are very delicate and dramatic, so please take a good listen to it!
Taecyeon: It is a hard song, overflowing with 2PM-like steadfast emotion, which tells about a situation when you want to protect the person you love, even though no has given the permission for that love to grow. It has a very trendy melody and rhythm, and actually, the arrangement for every member’s part is different! I think it would be interesting to take notice of this detail as well.
Junsu: This is the 5th song written and composed by me, as Jun.K, that is soon to be released, and this song holds the feelings that we have towards our Japanese fans. Actually, this song has been in the making since around 3 years ago, but it’s a first ballad from Jun.K. I think it’s a ballad that touches upon your heartstrings, as the beautiful piano melody is adorned with the best of individual vocals of each 2PM member. You will be able to feel the message we want to convey to our fans.
Theme of the album: "Republic of 2PM" - Interview and 2PM's account on each album track!
Their latest album, consisting of diversified song tracks to serve as building blocks of the republic, indeed does justice to the album title. Expectations for the
December "2PM Japan Arena Tour", are escalating.
"Showing the world 2PM's whole new appeal," is what the boys wish to achieve with this album. Let's hear what they have to say about their new songs.
After a period of thorough preparation, 2PM's first regular Japan album, "Republic of 2PM", is about to be released. With an album of fine quality to match its title, "Republic of 2PM", the group is fully ready for the nationwide arena tour that kicks off in Osaka on December 5th. We interviewed the 2PM members about the charms of their upcoming album.
Q. After listening to "Republic of 2PM", I believe that this album will make people discover a whole new side of 2PM. It's not just an aggregation of previously released singles, but a quality album, rich in versatility.
Taecyeon: Founding a nation through music is the main concept of this album. Despite generally perceived as beastly idols in Korea, we want to show people a never seen before concept and aspect of 2PM with this album. We hope you feel the 'new 2PM' when you listen to "Republic of 2PM".
Q. Tell us which song from your new album impressed you the most.
Chansung: For me, "Hanareteitemo".
Junsu: Thanks!
Chansung: You're welcome. It's a song written and produced by Junsu. I was very pleased, because he thought about me image-wise when he was producing the song.
Junsu: That's right, I had you in my mind. LOL.
Taecyeon: Really? Because that is completely new to us. LOL.
Junsu: I produced the song, so that it showcases Chansung's vocals.
All: Oh, really?
Junsu: What I'm trying to say is that, I didn't make the song for Chansung, but for our fans!
Chansung: Yeah, I thought so.
All: LOL!
Q. How about you, Junsu? Is it gonna be your own song?
Junsu: Yes, of course. "Hanareteitemo" is an R&B-ish ballad that I wrote some time ago. A melody suddenly came up in my mind, and I saved it on my cellphone - that's how this song was conceived.
Q. Is that a normal practice for you?
Junsu: Yes, I do that whenever I come across a melody. There are quite a number of melodies saved on my cellphone.
Taecyeon: Junsu can come up with a musical motif at any instant!
All: Agreed!
Taecyeon: Alright then, go Junsu!
Junsu: ...........
Taecyeon: Good!
All: Well done! LOL.
Taecyeon: Anyway, I have no doubt that this one will be really good too, because Junsu always makes great songs.
Q. Then, how about you, Taecyeon?
Taecyeon: "Crazy in Love". I put so much effort into perfecting my Japanese pronunciation for the recording of this song.
Q. And you, Wooyoung?
Wooyoung: "Hyakunichikinenbi". I was attracted to its melody when I first heard it through the demo-tape.
Q. Come to think of it, the song is about a couple's 100th day celebration - a Korean culture unfamiliar to majority of Japanese people. It's quite interesting that you decided to include this song in the album.
Nichkhun: I didn't know about it when I first came to Korea, either.
Wooyoung: Frankly speaking, neither did I.
Taecyeon: You too?
Junsu: Most people would have been ignorant of it when they were little. It's a cultural thing you get to discover only after you get to love somebody.
Wooyoung: Hopefully, by introducing new cultures or customs little by little through our songs, people in Japan can understand and sympathize with our love sentiments.
Q. 2PM setting a new kind of anniversary for couples in Japan, "Hyakunichikinenbi" might make that dream a reality. What's your pick, Nichkhun?
Nichkhun: "Hanareteitemo", because I like ballad music. I enjoy listening to ballad songs a lot.
Q: “Hanareteitemo” seems to be popular.
Junsu: I’m glad about that. Honestly.
Q: Then, what about Junho?
Junho: It’s “Stay With Me”.
Everyone: Oh...
Junho: Out of all the songs from our upcoming album, this song fits my emotions the best. The melody is very beautiful, and if you listen to it, your mood gets better, and the view on the world in the song touches upon my heartstrings. I really wish I could convey my feelings to the person I love in that way.
Q: However, along with “Stay With Me” that Junho just talked about right now, aside from hit songs, quite a few original songs were written for this album, right? So, obviously for an original song, there is a music video as well.
Everyone: There’s none.
Q: If so, then I will gather a budget and…
Everyone: Waaaaaaaaaaa! Thank you! *chaos*
Q: Well, if that were possible, what kind of music video would you like to film?
Taecyeon: Good question!
Q: For example, hmm…perhaps, let’s start with this song, shall we? What about a music video for “Stay With Me”?
Taecyeon: Well, that should obviously be answered by Junho, because it’s his favorite song.
Nichkhun: Something about having a drive in a great car?
Junho: No, no. More like, a 30-minute-long drama-like music video. And during the video, a big-scale drama should develop. If it were possible, how about simply making one big drama using not only this track, but all the songs included in the album?
Chansung: If there were enough of time and money. ^^
Everyone: That’s right, that’s right.
Q: So the ending song would be “Hanareteitemo”? What would be the end of this music video, I mean, music drama?
Taecyeon: That’s already a happy ending, right?
Junsu: Because this song carries the meaning of a wish to protect and watch over…
Junho: Of course! Because this song was written by Junsu-hyung! I know that world well. For sure.
Junsu: Thank you *in a gentleman way*. As far as that emotion is concerned, when you go up the mountain…
Everyone: Mountaaaaaaaaain? Haha.
Junsu: When you look back at the top of the mountain, and she’s there…
Junho: That is an immensely realistic image.
Wooyoung: What about this? At a concert hall, in front of the fans.
Junsu: That’s right. When you’re at the top of the mountain and take a look back, the view suddenly changes into the concert hall where the fans are waiting.
Chansung: You’re really obsessed with the mountains, aren’t you…?
Everyone: *chaos*
Q: Then finally, please let us know of your future goals!
Taecyeon: First of all, I would like to be properly recognized for my acting in the currently airing Japanese drama “Boku to Star no 99 Nichi”. I wish I could express the emotion properly through my Japanese lines. As a member of 2PM, I want to have a concert at Tokyo Dome next year!
Wooyoung: I found out how interesting it is to act in a drama through “Dream High”, so I’d like to act in a Japanese drama as well. As for 2PM, obviously, I would like us to reach weekly #1 on Oricon Chart. I’ll work hard to make that happen!
Nichkhun: I will work harder next year in order to receive recognition from more people than this year. And of course, I hope that everyone will stay healthy, because no goal can be achieved with poor health.
Junho: I would also like to try out acting, if it were possible. And since Japan Tour is very precious to me, I hope we can hold yet another one in the future. With that I would be satisfied. As far as 2PM is concerned, I think our goal is to participate at NHK’s year-end “Kouhaku” music festival.
Junsu: I think that the opportunity to work with the renowned Japanese artist, Ms. DOUBLE has been an extremely valuable experience for me. So if there was a chance, I would like to continue working with Japanese artists. And as a member of 2PM, even if it were just one good song loved by the Japanese fans, I would like to release yet another song next year as well.
Chansung: I also got a chance to participate in a Japanese drama, so it would be great if I could enjoy this acting opportunity to the fullest. I will work hard so that we would have a lot of chances to meet our Japanese fans next year as well.
[Self Liner Notes]
I’m Your Man
Taecyeon: This song is our 2nd single. I think it’s a song which allows you to witness the 2PM-like image and appeal, because this song has the hot and manly emotion of wanting to protect the person that one loves, no matter what. It’s a song with strong lyrics, rhythm, and melody, and I personally like the intro part “Baby, I’m your man”, which later on reoccurs throughout the song. Also, the choreography of the song introduces the male symbol – necktie. Through the sharp lines of the necktie, we were able to express the powerful force. Since it was the first dance where we used props, we had some difficulties with it, I think that we were able to express the song’s charms through neckties rather well. Please watch the music video of the song!
Ultra Lover
Junho: This is our 3rd single, and this love song is about an endless “ultimate love” that hits you like a fastball. I think that through this song, the listener is able to feel a different character or a color of each and every one of us, because the members’ parts were all different. It’s a trendy song with particular trance elements and acoustic atmosphere flowing somewhere in the background. With an easy melody, the dance choreography is also easy for everyone to follow.
Stay With Me
Nichkhun: This is the song where you should take notice of the chorus sung by all of us! Even though the melody is very easy, it’s so beautiful that, I think, you can feel happiness whenever you listen to it. It’s a warm song that expresses the honest feelings towards the person you love, like let’s walk on together, I’ll make you happy. Therefore, please take notice of the chorus sung by all six members, wherein you can grasp the feeling of manliness and a tender emotion with a desire to protect your loved one.
Crazy in Love
Chansung: I think you can feel 2PM’s sexiness via this song! This song is exceptionally adult-like among the songs in this album, and it allows you to see another side of 2PM. If you listen to it right after the 2PM’s trademark song, “Without U” Japanese version, the difference will grow even bigger!
100th Day Anniversary
Nichkhun: Having a 100th day anniversary since your dating has begun is a part of Korean culture. It is a sad ballad which uses this 100th day anniversary theme that is very important for a person in love, however, the song is about a love story which could not live up to its 100th day, as the relationship broke apart before that. Both melody and lyrics are very delicate and dramatic, so please take a good listen to it!
Taecyeon: It is a hard song, overflowing with 2PM-like steadfast emotion, which tells about a situation when you want to protect the person you love, even though no has given the permission for that love to grow. It has a very trendy melody and rhythm, and actually, the arrangement for every member’s part is different! I think it would be interesting to take notice of this detail as well.
Junsu: This is the 5th song written and composed by me, as Jun.K, that is soon to be released, and this song holds the feelings that we have towards our Japanese fans. Actually, this song has been in the making since around 3 years ago, but it’s a first ballad from Jun.K. I think it’s a ballad that touches upon your heartstrings, as the beautiful piano melody is adorned with the best of individual vocals of each 2PM member. You will be able to feel the message we want to convey to our fans.
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